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Apps You Can Use to Organize Your Estate Plan » JaypeeOnline

Apps You Can Use to Organize Your Estate Plan » JaypeeOnline

Apps You Can Use To Organize Estate Plan

Planning your estate is something that might not be on your radar – at least not for now. When you hear about estate planning for the first time, you might think it’s something for rich people who live in a mansion and own yachts, expensive cars, and jewelry. Others might look at it as something that only the elderly do, so they do not rush if they are still young and healthy.

In reality, estate planning is for everyone, no matter the financial situation or age. Estate planning is what prepares you for the “what if?” scenario or for your later death. It ensures that your estate is run accordingly after your passing. Not only that but it will also take care of the proper distribution of your estate.

Planning an estate is not that easy, though, and it cannot be done overnight. It’s a process that requires time and attention. How do you organize such a complex plan?

Here are some applications that will come in handy for estate planning.

● Microsoft Excel

One of the best apps to use for estate planning is Microsoft Excel. This program has been around for a while, and it has helped people create lists and elaborate plans. As such, it can also be useful when organizing an estate plan.

The program lets you list your insurance policies, utilities, and accounts, as well as other details. It’s useful when you want an easy way to keep track of things.

● Google Sheets

Listing assets has never been easier. Google Sheets provides you with a simple way to list everything you own, and you can use it the same way as Microsoft Excel.

Now, here’s the difference: Google Sheets can be accessed from anywhere, and it stores documents in Google Drive. It’s better than Microsoft Excel in this respect. In case something happens to your laptop, computer, or smartphone, your files will not be lost. They’ll be safely stored, and you can access them later, from a different device.

● Cake

Cake is a great application for estate planning, and it starts with a questionnaire. It’ll be similar to creating an online dating profile.

Basically, you’ll be asked a few questions related to preferences you might have after your death. To answer these questions, you have to swipe right for yes and left for no. At the end of this questionnaire, you will be guided to create an estate plan based on your special preferences.

● Google Calendar

Google comes with yet another useful app called Google Calendar. It can help you keep track of any deadlines regarding the estate plan, as well as potential appointments you have with your attorney. If you often forget about your appointments, you can even set reminders using this calendar app.

● SafeBeyond

Who said estate planning only had to do with the legal side? The emotional side of it is just as important, and you shouldn’t neglect it. This is where apps like SafeBeyond come into play.

With this application, you have the chance to make a video or written message for the family members that will still be in this world after your passing. This content will then be delivered at special locations and events and on certain dates. It also lets you say goodbye to everyone, whether that’s family members or friends.

● Google Keep

With Google Keep, you can make to-do lists and notes that can help you with your estate plan. Web pages you need to access very quickly can also be saved.

● Everplans

Do you have any documents that you need to save when planning for your death? You can secure them with Everplans. This app will store your funeral preferences, wills, passwords, as well as other documents. This way, after your passing, your close ones can easily find the documents.

The Bottom Line

You have many useful options in terms of apps for creating an estate plan. The applications can either guide you to create an estate plan or will let you organize your assets using spreadsheets. You can choose one of them or a combination of the listed options.

While these apps can be used for estate planning, it is crucial to understand that they do not act as replacements for an estate planning lawyer. There are many reasons that can lead to someone’s death. In Texas, the leading cause of death in 2017 was heart disease, followed by cancer, stroke, and accidents. Make sure to contact Houston estate planning lawyers to craft the best plan to prepare for unexpected situations.