As businesses grapple with growing volumes of data collected and generated by a myriad of cloud-based applications, Amazon Web Services (AWS) unveiled a wide range of new applications and product enhancements this week at its annual re:Invent conference that are geared to optimize data analytics and governance, and bolster the […]
AWS updates its machine learning service SageMaker
Amazon Web Services on Wednesday added new features to its managed machine learning service Amazon SageMaker, designed to improve governance attributes within the service and adding new capabilities to its notebooks. Notebooks in context of Amazon SageMaker are compute instances that run the Jupyter Notebook application. Governance updates to improve […]
AWS is changing | InfoWorld
After what struck me as a relatively dry spell of product announcements in 2021, AWS spent re:Invent 2022 launching a host of new services. AWS Chief Evangelist Jeff Barr, with help from some AWS developer advocates, summarized the most impactful announcements because “there’s simply too much great stuff for the team to […]
Cloud leader AWS shifts its database focus to DataZone and Zero-ETL
To further strengthen our commitment to providing industry-leading coverage of data technology, VentureBeat is excited to welcome Andrew Brust and Tony Baer as regular contributors. Watch for their articles in the Data Pipeline. Cloud leader AWS’s impact on IT trends takes many forms, but none has become more impactful than […]