ChatGPT Is a Stunning AI, but Human Jobs Are Safe (for Now)

Emma C. Chase

If you’ve spent any time browsing social media feeds over the last week (who hasn’t), you’ve probably heard about ChatGPT. The mesmerizing and mind-blowing chatbot, developed by OpenAI and released last week, is a nifty little AI that can spit out highly convincing, human-sounding text in response to user-generated prompts.  […]

Technological Singularity and the End of Human History

Emma C. Chase

In this century, humanity is predicted to undergo a transformative experience, the likes of which have not been seen since we first began to speak, fashion tools, and plant crops. This experience goes by various names – “Intelligence Explosion,” “Accelerando,” “Technological Singularity” – but they all have one thing in […]

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