VMware opens new AI research and innovation centre in Montreal

Emma C. Chase

Today, cloud-computing company VMware announced the opening of the VMware Next G-AI Research and Innovation Centre in Montreal. 

Located within the Centech and ÉTS (École de technologie supérieure), the new centre will bring together VMware’s multi-cloud infrastructure and expertise along with emerging cloud native development techniques, AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) technologies, to expedite the development of sustainable 5G and 6G networks.

The launch of the lab is part of TETRA (Digital Equity Grid Innovation initiative), announced in 2021 following a partnership with Mitacs, a non-profit organization that works to build partnerships between industry and the Canadian academia.

The company says that The Next G-AI Research and Innovation Centre will support the three following connected programs:

  • Applied Research: Main initiative driving TETRA and the partnership with Mitacs, applied research is instrumental to VMware’s development of sustainable 5G+ and 6G technologies, improving digital equity and re-architecting the internet to an open grid. 
  • Next G-AI Research & Innovation Lab: The Research & Innovation Lab provides  researchers and industry partners with access to latest software and hardware that allows them to quickly validate and demonstrate key concepts.  
  • Modern Application Software Factory: The VMware Tanzu Modern Software Factory will provide select partners and startups associated with Centech with free access to VMware Tanzu solutions and open-source technologies, designed to help participants better build, deliver and manage cloud native apps designed to run on any Kubernetes on-premises, in the public cloud, or in edge environments.

“The past two and a half years have shown us how reliable internet connections are vital to our well being. This new Research and Innovation Centre puts our metropolis, once again, on the map as a city where knowledge and talent are dedicated to responding to pressing issues with the highest standards  of quality.” said Stéphane Paquet, President and CEO, Montréal International. 

VMware, along with Mitacs and IEEE ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), also announced a new Canada-specific prize category in the Connecting the Unconnected Challenge, which seeks novel solutions for universal and affordable internet access. The 2023 Challenge will kick off in spring 2023.

“The Internet is a critical access point to education, economic opportunity, and health information and  services,” said Mary Ward-Callan, Managing Director, Technical Activities of IEEE. “However, nearly half of  the world remains unconnected. Through our partnership with VMware and Mitacs, we’re looking to  work with Canadian competitors interested in tackling this critical humanitarian issue.” 

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